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Student Spotlights

38 results found
College of Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Fulton College of Engineering Humanities Life Sciences
Martha was a life sciences internship fellowship for BYU Life Sciences during Summer Term 2023.
Sage was a exercise science intern for Kenai Kayak Company during Spring Term 2023.
Keaton was a program manager intern for Navitaire during Spring Term 2023.
Jacqueline was an administrative intern for Intermountain Health during Spring Term 2023.
Morgan interned for Utah Valley University as a Utah Valley University Men's Hockey Team Statistician during Winter Semester 2023.
Dallin interned as a Lab Assistance for BYU ME Prototype Lab during Winter 2023 Semester.
Emma interend as a coach and clinical aide for The Heritage Community during Winter 2023 Semester.
Christian interned as a research assistant taking BNSN C341 during Winter 2023 Semester.
Makenna worked as a sexual health education intern with Utah Department of Health and Human Service during the 2023 Winter Semester.
Nia was a NLU intern for Aktify during Fall 2022.