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Student Spotlights

56 results found
Family, Home, and Social Sciences Life Sciences McKay School of Education
Savannah was a student clinician for the BYU Speech and Language Clinic during Spring Term 2023.
Keaton was a program manager intern for Navitaire during Spring Term 2023.
Makayla was a child protective services intern for the Utah department of Health and Human Services during Spring Term 2023.
Jacqueline was an administrative intern for Intermountain Health during Spring Term 2023.
Haylee was a clinical social work intern for Family Services during Spring Term 2023.
Janis was a state archival assistant for the Arizona State Archives during Spring Term 2023.
Grace interned as a student clinician at BYU Speech and Language Clinic during Winter Semester 2023.
Savannah interned as a Speech and Language Student Clinician for BY Comprehensive Clinic during Winter 2023 Semester.
Gillian interned for Utah State Legislature as an legislative intern during Winter 2023 Semester.
Emma interend as a coach and clinical aide for The Heritage Community during Winter 2023 Semester.