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Student Spotlights

Tanner Wilks: Pre-Business

Tanner was a remote editor for Finger Trap during Winter 2024.

Briefly explain what you did and the result of your internship.

I worked as a remote video editor for an ad agency. I was able to work on many different styles of videos. As a result I feel like a much more effective and well rounded editor. One of the ads I created ended up being their top preforming ad.

What did you learn on your internship that you were not expecting to learn?

I learned how quickly I can learn needed skills for specific jobs. I learned how adaptable you need to be in fast changing industries.

How have your future plans changed because of what you learned from your internship experience?

I just have a better understanding of what the industry looks like and can plan more accordingly.

Please share how your experience led to personal inspiration or insightful revelation.

Doing this internship gave me a lot of good personal data on how I manage in the advertising industry. It showed me that I really have potential for a successful career here, however it also pointed out the issues that I need to overcome early to reach that potential. Particularly my need for social work environments become more noticeable. After realizing this I am now better able to look for work environments that I know I will thrive in.

Would you recommend this internship to other students?

I would, I learned a lot and felt very taken care of.

I am on the left, the owner of the agency, London Lazerson, is in the middle and the head director of photography, Adam Peterson, is on the right. This picture shows the fun nature of the ad industry. It's often like a bunch of friends hanging out just making jokes. I learned how to voice my opinions in a contributing way and collaborate with others.