Shane interned at EJ Company as an engineering intern during spring/summer 2022 semester.
Describe a day in your life as an intern.
On a normal day I worked on New Product Requests or NPRs. These were custom projects that were submitted to me by the salesmen, I would design the required parts in SOLIDWORKS and generate drawings of these parts. If the drawings were approved by the salesmen and customer then I would generate production prints of the parts for fabrication on the shop floor.
What industry/job specific skills did you learn?
I developed a lot of SOLIDWORKS skills by building on the foundation I had from classes at BYU. I leaned about how to price out the different parts I was making and the importance of making my designs so that they would be the most cost effective for the company while also providing a quality solution for the customer.
What is one thing you learned from this internship experience that could be applied to other settings?
I learned a lot about time management and how important it is to use your time well when you have a lot of different projects coming at you all at once. I also learned the importance of asking questions and learning from those who are more experienced.
What was your favorite part of your internship experience?
I really enjoyed the hands on aspect of this internship. I was able to use the skills I had developed in SOLIDWORKS every day and learned a lot of new things. I also really enjoyed talking to some of my coworkers and learning from their experiences.
How did this internship experience affect your future goals?
I learned that I enjoy design work but it probably isn't what I want to be doing long term in my career.
How did you find your internship?
I found my internship through LinkedIn
How did this internship experience contribute to your growth?
I was paid very well at this internship which really helped since I just got married at the start of the summer. We were able to save up some money and I feel like it was a really good experience to have on my resume. I was able to use skills I learned in classes and put them into practice in a real world setting which was very rewarding.