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Internship Course Set-Up

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Many departments and colleges already have active internship courses, sections of which can be scheduled for upcoming semesters/terms. If departments or colleges do not have an internship course, they can pursue the creation of one as part of the university’s regular annual curriculum review process. New courses are proposed through the Kuali Curriculum Management system. Find assistance and learn more about this process here.

In order for the Internship Registration and Management System to seamlessly coordinate with AIMS/MyMap, the following course conditions need to be in place.

1. The course number should be compliant with numbering approved in the University Handbook and Internship Policy:

Reserved Numbers:
199R, 299R, 300R, 496R, 599R. 688R - Internships
499R - Senior or honors thesis
589 - Inservice course with school districts
699R - Master’s thesis research and writing
799R - Doctoral dissertation research and writing
698 R and 798R - Field project in lieu of thesis and dissertation

2. Note with the internship application link and instruction (This is done at the COURSE level in AIM by someone with curriculum access. NOT schedulers)

3. Internship Course needs to have the “M-Internship” course type. ((This is done at the COURSE level in AIM by someone with curriculum access. NOT schedulers)

4. Internship Section registration method needs to be an ‘O.’ (This is done in Coursedog)

5. Internship limitation needs to be set on the section in Coursedog

The above noted items do not need to be done in any sequence, but all should be done before students start registering. The course level items (#1, 2 & 3) typically only need to be set once on AIM but the items in Coursedog (#4 & 5) will need to be checked for accuracy every semester.

The M-Internship Course type in AIM does not affect the actual class settings, it is only there to distinguish the course as an internship. It is the limitation built out on the section in Coursedog that prevents students from adding the class without approval.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Class Scheduling at Ph: 801-422-0999, email, or visit their website here.