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Frequently Asked Questions
Students FAQ
Faculty/Staff FAQ
Providers FAQ

What if I don't know where I will be living during the internship at the time of filling out the IRAMS application?

IRAMS was created to keep track of students’ residential contact information so they may be contacted by the university in case of an emergency. Having correct residential contact information is therefore crucial to the application. If you do not know where you will be living during the internship, current contact information should be provided so that you may move forward with the registration process. However, once you know this information, you must reopen the application, change the residential information and save the internship application.

If I complete the IRAMS application, get it approved by the internship coordinator and the Internship Office but then change plans and decide to do an internship with a different provider, what do I need to do?

First, you need to contact their Department Internship Coordinator to confirm approval of the new internship. Second, the department internship coordinator will need to contact the Internship Office to reverse the approval. You will then need to reopen your IRAMS application and update the Internship Provider section, as well as any other fields that may need to be changed. Press submit to save changes and email the Internship Coordinator to let them know the IRAMS application has been revised.

What should I do if I've submitted an internship application which has been approved by the department internship coordinator and I would like to enroll in a different course?

You should contact the Office of Experiential Learning (801-422-3337) and ask them to re-submit their internship application for the correct internship class. The department internship coordinator and Office of Experiential Learning will need to approve the new internship application before the student may add the internship class to your schedule.

If I have already completed an application for a semester or term and want to complete an additional application for a separate semester or term, what should I do?

When you use the Quick URL to search for Intern01, usually your most recent application comes up. At the bottom of the application is a button called “Welcome Page” that will take you back to the welcome page. At the bottom of the Welcome Page, you can then select a new semester or term to create an application. This new application will be added as a tab on your Welcome Page.

What should I do if the application won't allow me to select a class?

First, you should verify that you have selected the correct semester/term for their internship. Internship application are semester/term specific and will only show the courses that are available for that semester/term. Second, you should verify that the class you would like to add exists in the course catalog.

Since I'm completing an international internship, would I need to complete the IRAMS student application?

No. You, doing an international internship, should work with the Kennedy Center and their Department Internship Coordinator to get internship approval and to register for internship credit.

If I am completing my internship remotely, what address do I write on the IRAMS application?

In your internship application, please provide the physical address you will be working remotely from in the "Internship Provider" information section of the internship application.

Can the Internship Office adjust the number of students who can enroll for an internship on AIM?

No, class size is set on the department level.

Can I do multiple internships (with different providers) at the same time?

Yes. If you will be interning with multiple Internship Providers, each of these internship providers should be listed on the IRAMS application under the Internship Provider Information section. This can be done by filling out the information for one internship first and then pressing the “add” button. The fields will clear and you can add the information for the second internship.

How many credits can I register for once my application has been approved?

Credits are determined at the department level. The university internship policy states that students are required to work a minimum of 42 work hours per 1 credit hour earned; however, departments have the right to increase the number of work hours required per credit hour. If you have questions about how many credits they can register for and if these credits will count as general elective credit or toward your major, you should contact their Department Internship Coordinator.

Can I change the number of credits I am registered for after I have added the class and started my internship?

Yes. If you would like to change this before the add/drop deadline, the easiest way is to simply drop the class and re-add it with the desired number of credits. If this change needs to be made after the add/drop deadline, the internship coordinator will need to send a detailed email to if it is between the current semester or term add/drop deadline and the discontinuance deadline. Please include the following in the email sent to Internship Coordinator Name, Internship Program/Department, Student Name, Student BYU ID, Current Semester/Term, Internship Course Name, Number and Section, Number of credit hours the class enrollment should be changed to, Reason for the change. If it is past the discontinuance deadline, you will need to complete an online petition process found on the Registration Office website.

If I have already started an internship, can I still get credit for the course?

We cannot approve or count the hours that you have completed prior to your application being approved. That is called retroactive credit and is against BYU policy. You must have an approved application when you start counting your hours.

Can I just register for Spring Term even if my internship will extend into summer?

According to new university policy, domestic students can now register for all their credits in spring term for an internship that extends across spring and summer terms (this new policy does not apply to international students). You should fill out an IRAMS application for spring and list the full dates of their internship. Once your application has been approved you can register for just spring term. A T-grade will be given at the end of spring term which will be replaced by a final grade once you have completed the internship. You cannot, however, register for only summer term and apply hours worked in spring. This is considered retroactive credit and will not be granted by the university. Please note that this policy ONLY applies to spring/summer enrollment.

Can I register for more than one internship class during a semester or term?

Yes. You will need to submit an IRAMS application for each class you are registering for. You must receive approval from both internship coordinators as well as approval from the Internship Office and work enough hours on their internship to qualify for the credits you are receiving. You may not count the same hours for both internship classes (i.e. 42 work hours does not equal 1 credit for COMMS 496R and 1 credit for BUS M 496R).

What should I do when I enter the number of credits for my internship course to my schedule, but nothing happens?

If this happens, the biggest cause usually centers around how you're accessing the application. First, make sure you're performing everything on a computer using firefox or chrome as your internet browser. Often times using a mobile device, or a tablet will cause errors. Second, make sure you turn off popup blockers to make sure all of the prompts are coming through. If problems still persist, please contact the Registration Office/Enrollment Services Office at 801-422-4104.

Where should I go to complete obligations?

The Internship Office has created a document that you can access to guide them to appropriate centers to fulfill their obligations. Click here to access.

Why isn't my class/section showing up for students to select on their applications?

Either your class/section has not been created by your Department, it has not been input by the Registration Office into AIM, or your student has selected the wrong semester/term at the beginning of their application.

What should a student do if AIM won't allow them to add the class to their schedule?

There are multiple things to check:

  • Has their application been approved by all parties (Internship Coordinator, possible 2nd Approver, and Office of Experiential Learning)?
  • Are they selecting the correct semester or term?
  • Are they selecting the correct course and section number?
  • Has the add/drop deadline passed?
    • (View dates and deadlines here).
  • Does the course exist in the course catalog?
  • Has the class reached maximum occupency?
  • Are they missing any prerequisites?
  • Do they have a registration flag on their account?
  • Are there holds on their account? Is the course already on their schedule?
  • Are they trying to enroll in more than 18 credits?

    If they are still having trouble, please contact the Office of Experiential Learning at (801)422-3337.

Can the Office of Experiential Learning adjust the number of students who can enroll for an internship class on AIM?

No, class size is set on the department level by the Registration Office.

We have a new coordinator in our office that needs IRAMS access. What do you need from us?

Click here for a 3-step checklist to getting IRAMS access to a new internship coordinator or other IRAMS approvers.

What should a coordinator do with a provider who doesn't want to sign an IMA?

Let the provider know that the Internship Master Agreement activates an insurance policy that indemnifies the internship provider, the university, and the student from any potential damages. An Internship Master Agreement is required for all organizations where students receive credit for their internships. The agreement outlines responsibilities of the internship provider, the university, and the student. If they have concerns with a specific part of the agreement, they can red-line it and submit the revised agreement to be looked over by the Experiential Learning Office to see if the agreement can be signed. The internship providers can also submit their own agreement. If the provider doesn't have their own agreement and refuses to sign/red-line BYU's, the student can request an exemption to intern without an IMA.

What should a coordinator do if a student selects the wrong course number or section number on his/her application and the coordinator has already approved the application?

The Office of Experiential Learning's approval of a student's application places a flag on the specific internship class section the student selected on the IRAMS application. If a student selects the wrong class and the coordinator has already approved the application, the coordinator should let the Office of Experiential Learning know the correct course number/section number so we may enter the correct information and revert the student's application. Once the application has been reverted both the coordinator and the Office of Experiential Learning will need to re-approve the student's application.

What should a student do if IRAMS won't allow them to select a class on their application?

First, students should verify that they have selected the correct semester/term for their internship. Internship applications are semester/term specific and will only show the courses that are available for that semester/term. Second, students should verify that the class they would like to add exists in the course catalog.

What should a coordinator do about an application that has already been approved but the student didn't add their class before the add/drop deadline?

The student or coordinator should contact our office with the student's ID number so that we may revert and re-approve the application. The registration office will then be notified to add the class to that student's schedule.

What should a coordinator do if a student says they have completed an IRAMS application but it is not showing up in the coordinator's queue?

If the student’s application is not showing up in the coordinator’s queue, they likely either haven’t submitted their application or the “class credit” section of their application didn’t save. Coordinators can check to see if either one of these possibilities is the case by searching for the student’s application using “Intern01.”
Coordinators access this by typing “Intern01” in the QuickURL box on the BYU homepage (when logged in to MyBYU). This should pull up the “Student Internship Application” page. Coordinators can search for students by typing in the student’s first and last name at the top of the screen. Searches can also be conducted by typing in the student’s Net ID or ID number into the “Last Name/Identifier” box. If the application has not been submitted, the following text will appear under the Department Coordinator Endorsement heading: This student's internship Application HAS NOT been submitted yet. It will not show up in your queue. The coordinator should then instruct the student to re-access their application and click the "submit" button at the bottom of the screen. If the class credit section has not saved, coordinators can select the desired class from the drop-down menu and click "save" at the bottom of the section. The application should then appear in the coordinator's queue.

We are a BYU department. How can our student employee get credit for their job?

If students are hired as employees with limited internship providers, typically the student obligations outlined in the limited agreement for that provider are taken care of as a condition of their employment.

We are a BYU department. How can I set up an internship for a student in my lab if they are graduate students working on their PhD at another university?

When BYU entities are the ‘internship provider’ who is providing the learning opportunity for the student, that type of experience is not administered through our office. If you would like the student to enroll in one of your internship courses and work in your lab, the student would need to be admitted as a "day-continuing" student to be able to add the internship course to their schedule.

How do I advertise my internship?

  • First, become an approved provider with BYU. Click here for instructions.
  • Click here for instructions on how to post a job or internship opportunity for BYU students.
  • Contact specific BYU Department Coordinators with details. They will advertise the opportunity to students in their respective departments.

What is an Internship Master Agreement (IMA)?

An agreement between Brigham Young University and an internship provider. Click here to download an IMA.
The Internship Provider must agree to the Internship Master Agreement, or an acceptable modification thereof designed to indemnify all parties involved in the internship process (Internship Provider, University, and Student).

Can I still hire a BYU intern if my company won't sign an IMA?

Yes. A student can request an exception to intern without an Internship Master Agreement. To do this, the student needs to send an email to with their name, Net ID, organization name, organization description, internship paid/unpaid, internship begin and end dates, internship course # and how many credits they are receiving from it.

How do I advertise my internship?

First, become an approved provider with BYU. Click here for instructions. Click here for instructions on how to post a job or internship opportunity for BYU students. Contact specific BYU Department Coordinators with details. They will advertise the opportunity to students in their respective departments.

I want to post an internship for BYU students. Who do I send it to?

You can send it to, post it on, or send it to an applicable BYU department coordinator to disperse to students. Internship Coordinators can be found on our website and are organized by college/department. More information can also be found here.